Monday, October 01, 2007

God Bless Romania

Welcome to the good side of the fence!

As you probably know, Romania was graciously accepted into the European Union on January 1, 2007. And, in honor of this amazing accomplishment, we would like to give credit where credit is due, and portray Romania in the most positive aspect possible.

That is why we have prepared a photo essay of the charming, delicate sides of life in the fine, flowering country of Romania. Hopefully, these pictures will help break down the barriers that have been holding Romania back for so long, and may the negative stereotypes be reduced to nothingness.
We are trying to get rid of all the negative sentiments surrounding this country, and hopefully we can stop people from automatically assuming that Romania is a backwards, under-developed third-world pee-on.
Long live the strong, advanced, powerful nation of Romania! Aaaaarrrrrrgh!!!


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