Thursday, February 02, 2006

Groundhog Day

He saw his shadow... again.
For many years, Punxsutawney Phil has been like a brother to us. Like he does every year, Phil emerged from his den today to a wild crowd, and did what he does best: prognosticate the weather. According to several sources, Phil is the best meteorologist north of the Mason-Dixon line. But this year, besides being just a weather expert and a national treasure, Phil is... a Steelers fan.
He crawled out of his den draped in a Pittsburgh Steeler's terrible towel.
Now, if you're a member of the Seattle Seahawks, you can't be happy that the best weatherman this country has to offer is standing on the other sideline, at least metaphorically.
Is it me, or has Phil gained a few pounds over the years?


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